Transforming Novices into Professionals: A Comprehensive and Systematic Guide to Teacher Induction
Review\nFar too often the induction of novice educators is relegated to an afterthought as competing priorities require precious resources be directed away from nurturing those who are new to the profession. In Transforming Novices into Professionals, Dr. Jennings presents a comprehensive, multi-year system of protocols and resources with the singular goal of developing professionals. Whether used "as is" or incorporated into existing processes, Dr. Jenning's thoughtful approach will support any school system aiming to develop and retain the expert educators all children deserve -- Anthony Ruela, Executive Director of Middle Schools, Data & School Improvement, Saline, Michigan\nAs a research driven educational leader, Dr. Jennings has provided our profession a book that captures the needs and effective steps for developing novice teachers. It teaches how to build a highly focused, systematic, and structured plan as well as providing the research, materials, rubrics, and timelines for implementation.
-- David Bailey, Director of Human Resources, Millburn, New Jersey\nAs an administrator, one of the bigger challenges we face is recruiting and retaining dynamic teachers. Exceptional teaching is one of the most significant indicators of student achievement. Dr. Jennings has written a stellar playbook for administrators and teachers to follow in the vital area of new teacher orientation. For administrators, it will serve as a crucial resource to aid teacher retention and reduce burnout. For teachers it provides concrete actions and plans to succeed during the most crucial years in the profession.
-- Richard DeMarco, Middle School Principal, New Egypt, New Jersey\nMentoring and induction are critical elements for supporting new teachers within a system that places its focus on improved teacher practice and high levels of student learning. Effective induction requires a team of trusted professionals that create a learning partnership in which learning, inquiry and observation are constantly paired with feedback and reflection on practice so that new teachers are successful. Dr. Jennings, in Transforming Novices into Professionals: A Systematic and Comprehensive Approach to Teacher Induction, proposes a four-year induction process that clearly outlines the instructional practices that new teachers must systematically learn, apply and implement in their classrooms to ensure that all students have equitable learning opportunities. Through his own experiences in building teacher capacity, the author has skillfully laid out a thoughtful progression of classroom practices and strategies that ensure that our newest professionals gain confidence and competence in the profession. This is a must read for all leaders who strive to sustain quality instruction and professionalism in their schools and districts.
-- Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional Learning, Monroe, New Jersey\nMillions of novice teachers will be entering classrooms over the next few years. Unfortunately, due to feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and unsuccessfulmany of these teachers will not stay in education. If we are to succeed in staffing our schools with effective teachers, educational leaders must do a better job of supporting these teachers early in their careers. One form of support we can improve is the teacher induction process. In combination with the book From First Year to First Rate, this book provides all of the material necessary to provide a comprehensive, systematic multi-year teacher induction program. Through reflective activities, teachers that participate in this program will establish proficiency with classroom management, professionalism, assessment and instruction.