CANADA 2016-2017 32ED (World Today (Stryker))

CANADA 2016-2017 32ED (World Today (Stryker)) image




Edition: 32nd
Released: Jul 20, 2016
Publisher: AEI
Format: Paperback, 224 pages
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This is an annually updated presentation of Canada past and present. The contents in this volume are organized into sections dealing with ·Canada’s culture; ·Geography; ·people; ·history (from New France to the constitutional debates in the late 20th century); ·political system (including the constitution, monarchy, parliament, legal and court system, federalism and the provinces, provincial governments, parties and elections); ·defense; ·economy; ·the future; and ·a comprehensive bibliography. The combination of factual accuracy and up-to-date detail along with its informed projections make this an outstanding resource for researchers, practitioners in international development, media professionals, government officials, potential investors and students. Now in its 30th edition, the content is thorough yet perfect for a one-semester introductory course or general library reference. Available in both print and e-book formats and priced low to fit student and library budgets.

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