Spartan Army
FOR AT LEAST TWO CENTURIES THE SPARTAN ARMY was the most formidable war machine in Greece; the purpose of this book is to show why this was so. Professor Lazenby looks first at the composition, training and organization of the army, tracing its roots back to the eighth century BC. He then moves on to detailed analysis of some of the most significant Spartan campaigns and battles: Thermopylai, Plataea, Sphakteria, Mantineia, The Nemea, Koroneia, Lechaion and Leuktra. Finally, the author outlines Sparta's declining power and explains the reasons for this. Since this book was first written over thirty years ago, novels, computer games and films have raised interest in the Spartan military to new heights. The return to print of this excellent study is sure to be welcomed by anyone with an interest in these formidable warriors.