Reeds Skipper's Handbook: For Sail and Power
About the Author\nMalcolm Pearson was a Yachtmaster Instructor for over 20 years, and skippered sail and power boats around the coast of the UK, Northern Europe and America. Andy Du Port is a former editor of Reeds Nautical Almanac, and an experienced yachtsman, having sailed with family and crew for many years all along the south coast of England, the Channel Islands and the North Coast of France.\nThe bestselling guide to everything a boater needs to know at sea.\nThe Reed's Skipper's Handbook has been a bestseller since first publication. Now thoroughly revised, this handy pocket sized guide covers everything a boater needs to know at sea with updated text and illustrations throughout. Packed with a wide range of information in a concise form, it is frequently recommended by Yachtmaster Instructors as a quick reference guide and as a revision aid for anyone taking their Day Skipper or Yachtmaster certificates.\nReeds Skipper's Handbook is a must for anyone going to sea in any size of boat--be they novice or old hand. Tens of thousands of skippers and crew have found it invaluable as a memory jogger and refresher whether at sea or on land.