Rain of Ruin: The stirring account of a young woman's life as a clerk for the Top Secret Manhattan Project
The nuclear novel corporate publishers would not touch. Rain of Ruin tells the story of a young woman killed by the American atomic bomb. Based on a real-life experience, Rain of Ruin is as true as Girls of Atomic City but far more tragic. from the back cover: Military leaders and historians have told the story of the atomic bomb. But the official accounts never focus on the thousands of ordinary Americans who helped make it happen. Rain of Ruin tells the story from their point of view for the first time. It follows Agnes Jenkins Flaherty, an eighteen-year-old country girl, as she takes her devout religious faith and towering sense of responsibility to wartime Washington, D.C. to work with the Manhattan Project. She quickly finds love in the city, but her budding romance is overshadowed by a growing sense of terror when she learns, from the Top Secret documents crossing her desk, that project scientists think setting off the bomb might destroy the earth. Agnes escapes that prospect, but not the heartbreaking disappointment and tragedy that follow.