Credit Repair Handbook: Take Charge of Your Credit Life
Credit, both good and bad, influences the majority of our day-to-day lives. With a good credit score, we are more likely to be offered credit, while a poor score inevitably reduces our chances of receiving loans and lower interest rates. In Credit Repair Handbook: Take Charge of Your Credit Life, Paul Reaves helps readers fully comprehend why credit scores are so important. He demonstrates how to create a sound credit history, fix a credit rating, and keep a good credit score in order to take advantage of the reciprocal savings and opportunities available. The author's ultimate goal in writing this highly informative guide is to provide a means of eliminating financial waste, increasing one's assets, improving one's financial health, and bettering one's chances of employment. He includes step-by-step instructions, a helpful one hundred-question test with answers, a glossary of credit terms, and a quick, easy-to-read summary of every chapter. There is also a section dedicated to business and career professionals, the unemployed, homeowners, renters, and college and high school students. Many high school students in California are already using this book as part of their curriculum to help open doors to their future. Readers can't help but come away from this informative and useful credit guide feeling motivated to improve on their credit score and maintain it to ultimate financial benefit.