The American Economy
In this creative, insightful collection of resources, Walter Greason, William Gorman, and Melissa Ziobro have presented a powerful, new vision of the economic history of the United States. Combining many of the most important analyses of business, social, economic, and labor history from the last fifty years, The American Economy makes some of the most salient debates about public policy accessible to a wide audience. The resulting synthesis offers one of the most original (and complete) assessments of economic development in North America from 1748 to 2012. One of the most impactful fruits of this project is the presentation of “Asset Value Analysis” as a methodology of economic history that allows every reader to understand their specific position within global capitalism at multiple, simultaneous geographic scales. This trio of educators have crafted a text that fits well into a variety of survey courses ranging from marketing and management to American history and sociology.
The American Economy offers a range of data, analysis, and methodologies that inspires beginners to begin their journey to understand the connections among modern agriculture, racial slavery, textile manufacturing, national industrialization, consumerism, and globalization.