Transforming Twisted Thinking: Straight Thinkers Accept Responsibility
Transforming Twisted Thinking reveals the illusions to which people cling as they live in ways that distort their relationships and cause harm to others. By applying biblical insights into God's mandate for healthy relationships, Jerry Price offers a path for reforming one's life by subjecting one's thinking to the honesty and integrity God desires. Drawing upon life's experiences, biblical insights, and field-tested models for transforming lives, Transforming Twisted Thinking presents this combination in a conversational style that does not spare honesty in revealing personal twistedness or forthrightness in offering God's guidance. In addition to fourteen chapters that describe the diverse ways people twist their own thinking, four appendices offer resources on definitions of terms, the allures of excitement, advice for applying principles, and questions for study and discussion. If you are seeking a new path for your life, one that takes you away from the dishonesty of twisted thinking, or if you feel a calling to support someone in his or her journey, then Transforming Twisted Thinking offers a grounded, faithful, and proven approach to finding healing through reshaping lives out of trust in God's promises and willingness to conform to God's desires.