From Duty to Delight: Finding Greater Joy in Daily Prayer
Prayer has an important role in the lives of believers. For some, however, prayer has become a chore almost something to be dreaded than eagerly anticipated. Some people get caught up in the "how much/how often" they pray. But it really is not about how many chapters of the Bible you read or how many minutes a day you pray. It is that you read the Bible and you pray.
In From Duty to Delight: Finding Greater Joy in Daily Prayer, author Ron Parrish seeks to help you become a person who enjoys spending time in God's presence through prayer someone who finds such joy in devotion that you will lose track of time. From Duty to Delight is written for the average person who struggles to set aside time for meaningful, focused interaction with God.
If you feel badly about missing your devotions, if you quickly run out of things to say when you try to pray, if you sometimes find prayer boring, or if you have given up on trying to be a man or woman of prayer, From Duty to Delight can help you find your way to prayer that is fulfilling and that you can look forward to each day.