Papa Said
I remembered Papa bringing me to the general store as a child. I could still see the potbellied stove with its chrome footrests on all sides, circled with old oak chairs where the old-timers sat exchanging stories and jokes This was the gathering place for the farmers and old-timers in the area. Papa was the only educated veterinarian for miles around. He knew, when he went into the store, he would be giving free medical advice to anyone who asked. The storm intensified. The rain came down in sheets. The wind became a whirling, threatening monster, tearing at our little frame house. Lightning split the sky open, followed by loud claps of thunder. When lightning flashed, it lit up the whole yard and barn, and I could see Papa climbing the ladder of the windmill. The huge blades flopped wildly in the wind and I could hear the loose chain hit the metal framework. I was so frightened, I could scarcely breathe.