From Cave to Sky: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Zeus
Zeus. King of the Gods. Father of Gods and Men. The Gracious. The Just. The Lawful. Protector of the Home. Guardian of Strangers. Averter of Evil. In the modern Pagan movement, the God is rarely acknowledged. If he is, it is only as consort to the Goddess. Those polytheists that do acknowledge a Chief God tend to only pay him lip service. Yet Zeus was honored across the classical world from the slopes of Mount Olympus to the banks of the Nile and beyond. He was born and raised on Gaia and only later became King of the Gods through his own courage and wisdom. Zeus is more than an authority figure. He is more than a lusty philanderer. He is a god worthy of love and honor. This unique collection is a living testament as to who Zeus is to his modern worshipers. This anthology of scholarly essays, deeply personal reminiscences, rich poetry, and short fiction will challenge all of your preconceived notions about this ancient God. It will open your eyes to a God who is awe-inspiring yet also approachable. You will come away with a new appreciation of Zeus as king, husband, lover, father, judge and protector. Come out of the dark and see Zeus in a whole new light.