Loring and Rounds: A Trustee's Handbook, 2012 Edition
In the 112 years since its first publication, Augustus Peabody Loring'scompact A Trustee's Handbook has come to be regarded as the most convenient, reliable, and complete source for trust research. This classic reference distills the essence of trust law, illuminating the fundamental principles and answering the basic questions:
- What are the duties of the trustee?
- What are the rights of the beneficiary?
- What are the rights of the settlor?
- What are the rights of third parties involved?
Loring and Rounds: A Trustee's Handbook carries on the tradition of concise, practical and up-to-date guidance for trustees, giving you the latest in-depth information on how to stay on top of the developments in this complex field of practice.
Loring and Rounds: A Trustee's Handbook is the gold standard and indispensable "go-to resource for anyone seeking a comprehensive explanation of the vast tapestry of trust law. For over one hundred years it has been the bible for professionals and non-professionals, lawyers and non-lawyers who create, administer, and benefit from trusts.
We've taken the supplemental text of the 2011 Edition and incorporated into a single bound volume. The new 2012 Edition takes the reader through the complex maze of both codified and un-codified trust law. It includes and expands upon the invaluable additions and updates that were incorporated into the 2011 Edition.
In addition, the new 2012 Edition includes 77 pages of additional content. There are now 482 additional footnotes, citations to 22 additional cases, and 13 new sections.