The Hinge of Your History: The Phases of Faith
Readers say: Was given this book at a real low point, everything seemed in question, and God was far off. It was truly a life-line pulling me back from my own darkness and helping calm my spirit.. -- Patricia Boynton. . . Hinge of Your History has gotten me through my darkest hour.—Nathan Bowles. . . This study was one of the best I've ever done. I hold Latayne C. Scott’s writing as intellectually stimulating as C.S. Lewis yet easily applied to your life. -- Jennifer Moore Grauberger. . . It has given me a deeper and more realistic appreciation for the parents of our faith. --Nathan Paden de Perez. . . What I learned from that book and your teachings have saved me from insanity many a day!-- Susan Scott. . . "It's a contradiction" has been added to my mantras. A slow down does not equal a full stop. --Amy Peterson. . . When I face trouble, I constantly hear Hebrews 11 in my head "By faith..." The parents of our faith didn't have 'blind faith'; all of their faith was full of hope, promise and fulfillment. –Kimber Bailey Scott. . . God is sovereign and purposeful .... Nothing stands in His way of resolving our trials to His glory and our ultimate good. He will never leave His sheep, even in the midst of seeming contradictions. His promises are real and you can count on them utterly.-- Celeste Green. . . Excellent book! -- Shelly Jean Beach