Climategate, the Marijuana Conspiracy, Project Blue Beam, and Other True Stories from the Dot Connector Magazine
Something is wrong with the world, but you cannot see what exactly. It's because nothing has ever been wrong with the real world. What is wrong is the virtual world, like the wool pulled over your eyes by the System to blind you. The more you invest yourself, your forces and talents into repairing and improving that virtual world -- the more you improve the System, and the more you help it to better blind and enslave you. The System is not a kind of divine superpower. It is neither above you nor elsewhere outside of you -- it is inside ... well, not of you, but of what it made you believe you are. It made you believe your body is all there is of you here, in this world. "Which world?" you may ask. Because the System is right: in its artificial, virtual, blinding, enslaving, fake world you are nothing but flesh and bones. But in the real world you are infinitely more than that -- not just a mortal human, but an immortal universal being! This book is about problems and solutions. It contains a selection of controversial articles, published in various issues of the Dot Connector magazine in 2009 -- early 2010, and authored by such alternative researchers and freethinkers as Project Camelot's Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, Colin Bondi, Peter Levenda, Mado, Serge Monast, Michael Rivero, Michael Tellinger, Walter C. Vetsch, Doug Yurchey, and Paul Bondarovski.