Our Summer in Boothbay Harbor: The Marshalls Become Maineiacs
This travel journal is the fifth book in a series by Tom Marshall describing experiences he and his wife Elysee have had during their summer's away from home. Tom and Elysee practice and indorse a lifestyle captured in the phrase of another of Tom's books, MAKE THE WORLD YOUR SECOND HOME. Although residing in retirement in Naples, Florida for the past ten years, Tom and Elysee have yet to spend a summer there. Instead they live in a different place each year, renting as an option to owning a second home. In the previous ten years they have stayed in Ireland, Australia/New Zealand, Carmel, California, Slovenia, Annapolis, Md., Estonia, and Boothbay Harbor, Maine. These have not been vacations, but residences of three or more months. In this book Tom provides a brief survey of Maine's history and the Boothbay region, describes the activities and events he encountered and participated in, several day trips he took to places of interest nearby, and excursions further afield of several days or more. The book is complimented with numerous photographs, mostly taken by Tom. Any reader contemplating a visit to Maine,and especially to the Boothbay Region would benefit from reading this book.