Ninety-Eight Point Six...and Other Stories
Who are we? What are we? Are we what we think we are - or are we what others think we are? Infiltrated by noisy, clamoring visions of how our identity is shaped, author and veteran journalist Denis Horgan imaginatively explores people being defined by happenstance, by odd decisions and accumulations in their lives, by misjudgments, quirks. He writes of how we are seen and how we hope to be seen seldom being the same thing. Thirteen stories: Each and all as puzzling, complex, as wise and as funny as this life we think we paint for ourselves. Stories rooted in our own worlds woven around a core of a man who loses his identity, a man who gives up his own to take it, the new lives they form, the old ones abandoned. The age-old gem of identity is the binding theme but with each facet accepting its sparkle differently.