B. Hussein Obama: The Perfect Manchurian Candidate! In the classic 1962 movie thriller "The Manchurian Candidate," a man was programmed by communist handlers, and then emerged into the public arena as a hero, with a largely manufactured history, large parts of which were either obscured or changed. Then he was planted into a position of great influence, having been programmed to usher in tremendous change at the appointed time. Likewise, B. Hussein Obama was programmed for years by his atheist, Muslim, communist, sex-pervert father, Frank Marshall Davis; and by con-man Tony Rezko; also domestic terrorist Bill Ayers; and many others including his so-called "Pastor," black liberation theology screamer Jeremiah Wright. Obama's resume is largely manufactured. There is a total blackout on his college years. His campaign obscured what he did as a "community organizer." All his radical associations have been denied or minimized. His miserable legislative record (voting "present" over 100 times to avoid taking a stand); his lack of achievement; his radical views; and so on - all have been laundered through the magic of public relations into the near-sacred saga of "The One" who has been sent to serve, and to save, America. God help us, as our days as a free Republic are truly numbered!