The Flying Saucers are Real
"The Flying Saucers Are Real" investigates numerous encounters between fighter pilots, other people, and UFOs. Author Donald Keyhoe states that while Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials for centuries, the Air Force was actively investigating these cases of close encounter, and hiding them from the people. "The Flying Saucers are Real" is not fiction. Keyhoe researched real facts and sightings, concluding that the saucers are interplanetary. Keyhow, who had some access to original military files, did not believe in "visitors from space" before starting this book. Keyhoe examines the most prominent UFO cases up to 1950 - the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Mantell Crash, the Chiles-Whitted UFO sighting, and numerous others - and offers his views on the subject. After checking every other possible answer thoroughly, however, he saw that they didn't fit in the sightings and the reports. "The Flying Saucers are Real" is a must for anyone who wants to know the truth about the UFO phenomenon. In the realm of UFOlogy, it was not only one of the first, but also one of the best reports ever written on the subject. There is no sensationalism in the pages of this excellent tome - just cold, hard, and well researched facts. Donald Keyhoe was one of the most prominent figures in the early history and development of the UFO phenomenon in the U.S. His book "The Flying Saucers Are Real "established Keyhoe as a leading figure in the UFO phenomenon, and over the next two decades he would be frequently interviewed on television and radio. In 1957 he became the leader of NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), the largest and most influential civilian UFO research group of the 1950's and 60's. He remained NICAP's leader until 1969.