Wroxton Journals (The Wroxton Chronicles)
During his two terms - twenty years apart - as director of the campus of an American university in the midst of the English countryside (Fairleigh Dickinson University's Wroxton College), Walter Savage kept a journal of his encounters with staff, students, faculty, visiting lecturers, villagers, and local merchants. They are far more than a mere catalogue of events. Their delight lies in Savage's evocations of living in a centuries-old historic building and encountering the signs of badgers and munt jac deer on the surrounding acres, in his bemusement at coping with the seeming eccentricities of another culture, in his great affection for the English people and for the college itself. Most of all, the originality of his insights and the wit and charm of his prose make the journals a work of literature. For many years, these writings were just personal memories of the author. Now they are available for readers to be informed and greatly entertained by sharing the thoughts and style of a remarkable man.