Core Clinical Cases for Medical Students (Medipass)
This time-saving revision guide covers the clinical cases commonly asked in medical finals together with cases encountered as part of problem-based learning. A wide range of clinical cases are examined, pointing out salient features including: history and examination; differential diagnoses; management and questions that examiners may ask; and also an up-to-date summary of the condition with relevant links to further information. This book is a clear and concise guide to core clinical cases encountered by medical students. It is an easy reference, time-saving, problem-based learning guide which covers over 100 common medical cases. The book offers tips to aid effective revision for medical finals and signposts readers to valuable sources of further information. This easy-to-use guide will be a great help in preparing you fully for your final exams and a valuable reference for the foundation years. It is an essential revision book for anyone serious about excelling in their medical degree.