Miss You: A Novel
In the tradition of One Day, a wryly romantic story about two strangers who meet briefly as teens in Florence and whose paths cross again many times over the course of the next sixteen years, until they’re finally brought back together
What if the person you’re looking for is standing right next to you, and you don’t even know it?
“Today is the first day of the rest of your life,” reads the motto on a plate in the kitchen at home, and Tess can’t get it out of her head, even though she’s in Florence for a final, idyllic holiday before she starts university in London.
Gus and his parents are also visiting Florence, seven months after their lives changed suddenly and tragically. Gus, headed to medical school, is trying to be a dutiful son, but he longs to escape and discover who he really is.
On that day, the paths of an eighteen-year-old girl and boy criss-cross before they each return to England, to futures that are wildly different from the ones they’d envisioned for themselves.
Over the course of the next sixteen years, life and love will offer them very different challenges. Separated by distance and fate, there’s no way the two of them are ever going to meet each other—until they each find themselves back in Florence, all those years later….