Comment Être Gentil... (French Edition)
Product Description
See below for English description.
Avec un seul sourire, une petite fille parvient à susciter une vague de bonnes actions dans sa communauté. Un album superbe pour aborder l'impact des petits gestes sur les autres ainsi que les différentes façons de faire preuve de bonté.\nA girl in a red hat finds the courage to be kind to the new student in class. Her kindness spreads, kind act by kind act, until her whole community experiences the magical shift that happens when everyone understands--and acts on--what it means to be kind.
Original title: What Does It Mean To Be Kind?
About the Author
Rana DiOrio a écrit tout au long de sa carrière dans plusieurs professions: étudiante, avocate, banquière responsable des investissements, investisseuse privée et auteure de livres pour enfants. Elle habite à San Francisco, en Californie.
Rana DiOrio has written her way through life;as a student, a lawyer, an investment banker, a private equity investor, and now as an author and publisher of award-winning children's media. She lives in San Francisco, California.\nStephane Jorisch is an award-winning artist and designer living in Montreal. He is the illustrator of The Village of a Hundred Smiles and Other Stories (1998), The Magic Mustache (1999) and The Trial of the Stone (2000).