The Humiliation of Christ: In Its Physical, Ethical and Official Aspects (Classic Reprint)
The Humiliation of Christ no change -- has been made on the work as it appeared in the two previous editions. But it has occurred to me that it may be expected that I should take some notice of the views recently propounded in Keschs A graplia on the great Christological utterance of the Apostle Paul in Philippians ii. 511. I therefore offer here some remarks thereon, by way of preface. The views I refer to occur in an excursus on the Syrian Baptismal Liturgy of Severus, in connection with a group of apocryphal sayings concerning Christ sbaptism (A grapha, A pokryphon 5, pp. 357-372). To this Liturgy Kesch attaches considerable importance, as, although of late date (sixth century) and containing apocryphal elements, also preserving some fragments of the original evangelic tradition, as embodied in the Urevangelium, the Logia of Matthew, the no longer existing source of much of the material preserved in the Synoptical Gospels. A mong the genuine elements he reckons certain words ascribed to the Baptist in the narrative of the baptism of Jesus given in the Liturgy. In the Latin version by the editor of the Liturgy (F abricius Boderianus, Antwerp 1572) the passage is as follows: At ille dixit: Fieri non potest ut rapinam assumam, expressing the reluctance of the Baptist to administer the rite to Jesus. The important word, it will be seen at once, is rapinam. It recalls the dp7ra yp,6v of Phil. ii. 6.
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