Outlines of Theology: Rewritten and Enlarged (Classic Reprint)
Driftslj (gbitmit. LITTLE more is needed to commend this volume to the attention of the Christian public than the fact that it has been prepared by the son of Dr. Hodge of Princeton, one of the ablest of living theologians, who, in regard to ability, erudition, and a rare elegance and precision of style, has achieved a reputation confessedly preeminent among theological writers of either Europe or A merica. The son to whom we refer, the Rev. A. A. Hodge, is one of the professors in another American theological college in A lleghany. The circumstance is a voucher for the care and learning with which this syllabus of theological study, as it professes to be, has been prepared. Our attention was drawn to it when in quest of some good manual of systematic theology. The old compendiums, prepared by divines of the Continent, and published shortly after the Reformation, are exceedingly valuable, but will not serve the present exigency. Theological science has been perfected and extended in many directions since those times.
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