This is a new stand alone thriller, written in the electric first person narrative featuring security expert Officer Corte. With trademark twists and an unexpected ending, Deaver's talent shows why he is known as the master of suspense. Detective Kessler, a Washington DC cop working on a seemingly insignificant case, is targeted by a 'lifter' - a person who 'lifts' information from people. Yet this lifter is different from others: he kidnaps and endangers his target's family to give himself the 'edge'. The task of safeguarding Kessler falls to expert in personal security, Corte, as the FBI race to try and find out what has made someone so uneasy they've called in a 'lifter'...This recording is unabridged. Typically abridged audiobooks are not more than 60 per cent of the author's work and as low as 30 per cent with characters and plotlines removed.