10,000 Dreams Interpreted, a Dictionary of Dreams (Revised)
he possible meanings of our dreams are as varied, as intricate, and as infinite as our thoughts. 10,000 Dreams Interpreted is your opportunity to unlock the secrets of your unconscious mind and explore the possibilities of your dream landscape. What do our dreams mean? The language of dreams is made up mostly of visual symbols that often seem incomprehensible. 10,000 Dreams Interpreted will give you a key to help you understand those symbols and, in turn, the meaning of your dreams. According to Gustavus Hindman Miller, author of 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, every symbol that appears in a dream has its own unique meaning, and without the knowledge of that meaning, we will never attain a real understanding of our dreams. For example, did you know that if you dream of leaves it denotes happiness and improvement in business? Or if you dream of a sleigh, it means you will fail in a love affair and incur the displeasure of a friend? There are thousands of things we dream about that may have significant and unusual meanings, including(to name just a few): actors, blacksmiths, crows, dolphins, elephants, fish, garlic, hogs, ice cream, jams, lanterns, museums, newspapers, oysters, peaches, quicksand, rain, sawdust, tattoos, umbrellas, violets, waiters, yachts, and zebras. 10,000 Dreams Interpreted is a unique encyclopedic handbook that will provide essential information to help you understand the richness of your dreams.