The Two-Minute Drill to Manhood: A Proven Game Plan for Raising Sons
If you are the parent of a teenager, you are coming down to what former All-American and one of today's most respected child advocates John Croyle calls the two-minute drill. In football the last two minutes are crucial; the whole game builds to those moments that can determine the final outcome.
The Two-Minute Drill to Manhood is John's game plan that will help moms and dads make sure their sons are ready for authentic manhood. Based on Croyle's life and experience parenting more than 1,800 abused and neglected children on the Big Oak Ranch for Boys and Girls, as well as parenting his two biological children, he drills down into seven actionable life principles drawn from the word "manhood" itself:
M – Master
A – Ask and Listen
N – Never Compromise
H – Handle Responsibility
O – One Purpose
O – One Body
D – Don’t Ever, Ever, Ever Give Up