Zárate (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, 256)
Product Description "Santos Zâarate, the protagonist of the novel Zâarate, was a venezuelan highwayman whose stronghold was in the forest of Gèuere, and who terrorized the Valleys of Aragua for some twelve years. He was a historical figure. The action of the novel takes place in 1825, a few years after Venezuela had sealed its independence from Spain by defeating the Spanish forces at the Battle of Carabobo, June 24, 1821. At this time, General Francisco Josâe de Paula Santander, was Vicepresident of the Gran Colombia, the conglomerate of Colombia and Venezuela that had fought Spain for its freedom. General Josâe Antonio Pâaez governed the Venezuelan region, with his headquarters in Valencia; and the entire nation readied itself to confront the great scourge of the times, the terrible and feared marauders that sowed apprehension and terror among the residents of the Valleys of Aragua. There is in the novel the exaltation of an elite agrarian way of life, idyllic, edenic, that contrasts vividly with the violence of life in the llanos and, especially, with the activities of the highwaymen. Moreover, there is a delicate love story that develops pari passu with the official activities of the main protagonists. The development of the female characters may seem a bit quaint for today's tastes, though they are beautiful and carefully drawn. An irrepressible humor, at times subtle, pervades the entire novel"-- About the Author Ignacio L. Götz holds a Ph.D. from New York University. He taught philosophy and comparative religion at Hofstra University for 35 years, where he held the Lawrence Stessin Distinguished Professor Chair. He has published some 20 books, among them Faith, Humor, and Paradox;Manners and Violence; Jesus the Jew (2nd edition); Conceptions of Happiness (2nd edition); The Unknowable God; and Venezuela Heroica (Peter Lang).