It has been 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther's Theses called for reform of the church and served as the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. Its impact is still felt today.
To God Alone: 5 Core Beliefs of the Reformation is a 6-session study for students that relives the work of Luther and other Reformers who challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church. More specifically, this study will examine the five core truths that came out of the Reformation, now referred to as the solas. Group members will explore these essential convictions of the faith and emerge more immersed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The solas include:
Sola Scriptura (By Scripture alone)
Sola gratia (By grace alone)
Sola fide (Through faith alone)
Solus Christus (Through Christ alone)
Soli Deo gloria (Glory to God alone)
How is the Reformation still relevant today? As political pressure mounts, morality drifts with today's culture, and evangelicalism becomes more and more refined in a post-Christian world, it's even more important to hold the convictions of the great Reformation closer than ever. In short, the solas point us to community as well as identity. As you'll see in this study, they're more than just a bunch of cold Latin terms that academics throw around in church history books. The five solas, like the Reformation itself, are intensely practical. They were the DNA of the Reformation and are still the DNA of the church today. They are grounded in real life, everyday following of Jesus. They're the most important, basic truths you can ever believe.
We stand on the shoulders of Christians in the past, and knowing where we came from will help us keep moving forward.
Member Workbook includes a small-group experience for 6 small-group sessions, individual study opportunities for each day of the week, applicable Scripture, "How To Use This Study," and a group discussion guide.