Never Fight Again . . . Guaranteed: A Groundbreaking Guide to a Winning Marriage
Never Fight Again Guaranteed If you could change one thing and never again fight with your spouse, would you? Google why couples fight and you’ll find the top responses are money, parenting, sex and family. But according to author and marriage expert Dr. David Hawkins, the truth is that couples can fight about anything. What he’s discovered is that the act of fighting is actually about tunnel vision—about getting what only one person wants. Rather than fighting driving a wedge into a relationship, Hawkins helps readers discover mutual affirming goals together. In this book, Dr. Hawkins outlines a plan of action to assure you will never fight again…guaranteed! He argues for a paradigm shift that takes your relationship from one built on fighting to one built on mutuality. Once we sacrifice the fight, and care for ourselves and those around us—we change our hearts and environments for the better.