180 Days of Practice Grade K Bundle Enhance Kindergarten Learning with 180 Days of Practice 4 Book Bundle: Daily Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Math Practice Sheets with Assessments
The 180 Days of Practice Bundle for Grade K provides teachers with daily practice in the reading, writing, grammar, and math subject areas. Daily practice sheets equips teachers with a powerful assessment tool to determine student levels in reading comprehension, writing proficiency, mathematical fluency, and word study skills. These books can be used in intervention programs, after-school programs, and as a take-home workbook. Strengthen student understanding of key literacy and mathematical concepts and procedures with regular practice with quick, rigorous activities. The bundle comes with 180 Days of Language for Kindergarten; 180 Days of Math for Kindergarten; 180 Days of Reading for Kindergarten; and 180 Days of Writing for Kindergarten.