Fares to Friends: How to Develop Outstanding Business Relationships
Many business people instinctively possess natural people and relationship skills while others are more quantitative and analytical in their approach to the world. While these professionals are highly intelligent and technically skilled, they frequently lack the relational skills that come more easily to others. As a result, they struggle to reach their full business and career potential. Ed Wallace is that rare business person who while analytically savvy is also blessed with a natural talent for connecting with people to develop outstanding business relationships. In his first book, Ed shares essential relationship qualities and wisdom accumulated during his twenty-five year business career, and serves them up in a metaphorical framework that resonates with both "quant jocks" and "relational-types" alike. Using stories about the wisdom he learned from Max the Taxi Driver, Ed explains the essential qualities of Relational Capital and how this intangible asset can be created, developed, and used to amplify one's personal net worth in life and business.