Sound Health, Sound Wealth: The Biology of Hope & Manifestation
In addition to discovering how to create biochemical and cellular changes that support the physical manifestation of Your Heart s Most Treasured Desires, you'll have abundant resources to effortlessly attract the fulfillment you seek. For example, Dr. Oakes offers simple ways to:
- Send the Universe an "en-mail" (energetic email) so it can deliver exactly what you want and need.
- Stop energy leaks so you will feel more energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate.
- Develop an inner knowing and total certainty that you are attracting and creating all that you need and desire, including money.
- Transform time so it becomes your ally rather than your antagonist.
Plus...Dr. Oakes' cutting-edge sound frequency CD is an effortless power tool for relaxing and rejuvenating your mind and body.