Cases & Problems in Criminal Procedure: The Courtroom
Focusing on procedural issues that arise in the prosecution stage of a criminal case and updated wtih new cases, thr Fourth Edition of this "Criminal Procedure II" casebook uses the same problem-based format as Cases and Problems in Criminal Procedure: The Police. This casebook attempts to recreate for law students the experience that lawyers have when analyzing the procedural issues involved in the investigatory phase of a criminal case. This approach not only enhances learning but also makes learning enjoyable since students get to play lawyer.At the outset of each chapter, a complex problem is presented in the form of a memo to a law clerk working in a variety of settings (reporting to a public defender, prosecutor, judge or private criminal defense attorney). Many of the problems have been modified to reflect recent cases. The problem is followed by the research tools--relevant cases and statutes--necessary to solve the problem. Notes follow many cases, suggesting to