The Fifth Edition includes new landmark cases and reflects recent changes in procedural rules and practice. While essentially a traditional casebook organized along the lines of the events in a lawsuit, this new edition of Cases and Materials on Civil Procedure retains the unique features that have made prior editions a success, including:
"Chapter Summary Problems" - optional comprehensive problems requiring the student to "put the chapter together" and apply to the problems the material addressed in the chapter
"Improving the System" sections challenging students to think more deeply about cutting-edge issues
Litigation documents showing actual litigation sequences, including the motion for summary judgment in Jones v. Clinton and excerpts from the jury selection, the court's charge, and the final arguments in Pennzoil Co. v. Texaco, Inc.
"How to Read This Case" notes precede particularly difficult cases
Traditional federal materials are supplemented with an introduction to differing practices of three benchmark states: California, New York, and Texas
A chapter devoted to Alternative Dispute Resolution methods
New or revised materials include:
A new section on personal jurisdiction by electronic contacts covering the Internet and e-commerce
Revised disclosure and discovery coverage to reflect up-to-date rules
New service of process materials that reflect the decisional effects of rules changes
Reorganized coverage of Rule 11 and sanctions to facilitate comparison of previous practice to the effects of current rules
Updated coverage of pretrial conferences and case management issues
The Supreme Court's decision in Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Co., clarifying the standard for granting judgment as a matter of law