Gregg Shorthand
First appearing in a pamphlet in 1888, "Gregg Shorthand" is the popular and enduring form of shorthand created by Irish publisher and inventor John Robert Gregg. The system was expanded, revised, and published in multiple book editions over several decades and has become one of the most widely used pen stenography systems in the world. Gregg's shorthand is a phonetic system created specifically for the English language and records the sounds the speaker makes rather than the spelling of the individual words. Based upon a series of elliptical figures and bisecting lines, Gregg's system remains in use all over the world, even as the popularity of stenography has decreased in the digital age. This effective shorthand method is renowned for how intuitive the system is to learn, how easy it is to note differentiations in similar sounds, and how quickly it can be written as someone is speaking. This concise and easy-to-follow guide to learning Gregg's system includes instructions on how to note the speaker's grammar, punctuation, and spelling and remains a useful shorthand system for many in the business, legal, and journalism fields. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.