Terple is an imaginative and courageous young turtle who dreams of a life outside of the pond. Terple is a rhyming adventure, with bold illustrations and inspiring dialogue, taking you into Terple's life and a view of what he dreams of becoming. Terple find himself challenged by self doubt and other's negative opinions of his goals, often making him question his dreams but never giving up. Terple soon realizes that if he truly wants to see the world, he has to do it on his own and not let life pass him by. Although Terple finally leaves the pond to live his dream, he never forgets where he came from and promises his family he will always hold them close to his heart, never forgetting them and promises to return soon. Terple is a book that can be read to all ages. Terple is a story of strength, courage, believing in yourself and never forgetting how important family and home is.