The Good Person Guidebook: Transforming Your work and Personal Life
The Good Person Guidebook: Transforming Your Work and Personal Life is the newest addition to The Five O’Clock Club book series. The focus of the book is to help the reader discover the answers to two key questions: “What type of person should I be?” and “What should I do given a decision of ethical importance?” The author addresses these questions using both philosophical and traditional religious ethics, and considers them in relation to one’s work as well as one’s personal life. While acknowledging that it is not possible to answer these two questions on behalf of the reader, the author can provide guidance as to what a good person would do in both settings, professional and personal. This is done through the examination of classical virtues-justice, prudence, courage, and temperance, as well as the examination of hope, humility, thrift, compassion, and others. Although religious thought is utilized as a way to expound on these important topics, the reader will find the book to be non-sectarian, relying on Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. The author provides important advice on a multitude of topics including how to overcome suffering, whistle blowing, love in your personal life, raising children well, a meaningful work life, and respecting human dignity. The book helps to bridge the gap between ethics and practical life and is pertinent in a time when business and religion are highly topical.