Post Cards From Another Gospel
Christianity finds itself in a "truth crisis" as it struggles within the post modern cutlure for which we find ourselves living. Many of the historical truth claims of the Bible are being re-interpreted, if not rejected, in exchange for an acceptance by a culture who values skepticism, doubt, consumerism and universalism. James Babb, in Post Cards From Another Gospel presents a timely compilation of post modernism and the Church as chronicled through his pastoral experience and observation by providing the reader with a readily accessible look at how the church has embraced much of the culture's philospophy as reflected in many of the movements and trends of the church. Post Cards... effectively details truth compromise as refelcted in such church trends as: . The Seeker Sensivitive Movement . The Emergent Movement . Cultural Relevance . The Prosperity gospel . Social Justice -- and much,much more! The author provides an easy access for a very difficult topic so that the reader is provided with a very clear definable road map in identifying the troublesome trend of assault upon truth; as well as a call for the believer to proclaim historical biblical truth to a culture where such truth is devalued. It is at times light hearted, satirical and humorous, but not light wieght, as it calls for biblical truth to provide a sharpened focus to a culture which has far-too-often blurred the lines of truth in exchange for skepticism.