Pieces of My Mind, from Visions over Time: A Collection of Max's Poems And Song Lyrics
I Put My Feelings in Everyone We never know when, what or where we may be when something will influence us to make changes or try something new to bring out a hidden talent The experiences we have had during our time create and expand our thoughts and how we think with our mind It was a late hot August day in the year of 2002. I received a sad phone call from a good friend, Randy (Rudy) who called to tell me about Jamie (Jamies Song) passing away. I could tell by his voice he was hurting. Something told me to write him a song to make him feel better. I had never written before, but when I started, it seemed so easy, as if it was something I was supposed to do in this life. It only took about an hour and a half to finish. One thing I believe that has helped me is I stopped watching television, none at all, around five years ago. That has let me open my mind to new ideas about what is real in this life. We all have a purpose for why we are here, and it is up to us to take time to discover what it may be. This life is real, not practice for another time. None of us can recycle a wasted day. I enjoyed writing so much I have never stopped I hope you enjoy reading the pieces I have included in this my first published book, and that they touch your feelings, emotions and thoughts.