Sociological Theory in the Classical Era: Text and Readings
Trained at UCLA and at NYU respectively, Laura Desfor Edles and Scott Appelrouth were frustrated by their inability to find a sociological theory text that could inspire enthusiasm in undergraduate students while providing them with analytical tools for understanding theory and exposing them to original writings from pivotal theorists. They developed this widely used text/reader to fill that need.
This affordable text/reader hybrid introduces students to original major writings from sociology's key classical theorists as well as from a variety of other voices, and also provides a helpful theoretical and historical framework, written by the editors, with which to understand those often intimidating readings. In addition to presenting a unique format, this book is one of the only theory texts to feature photos and diagrams, making it even more student friendly.
New and Retained Features
- The book’s praised text/reader format provides students with the interpretive and analytical guidance necessary to interpret the included original readings.
- The book is updated throughout, with new readings added to the Weber, Marx, and Durkheim chapters.
- A theoretical framework presented in Chapter 1 gives students a visual means to understand the theorists and perspectives that follow.
- Theoretical Orientation Diagrams and Core Concepts Diagrams, now even more visually appealing, show students how to fit the theorist under study into the broader universe of social theory.
- “Significant Others” boxes, including 5 new ones, provide information on theorists who may have followed and derived much of their own perspective from the major theorists featured in each chapter.
- The ends of chapters include even more discussion questions in this edition.
- Unlike other texts, each chapter includes photos of theorists and of the historical milieu from which the theories arose, along with applications to contemporary scenes. In particular, the Du Bois chapter includes a new photo of President Obama.
- Password-protected instructor resources, new to this edition, are available at and include test questions and PowerPoint slides for each chapter.
Intended Audience
This text is intended for Classical Sociological Theory or Sociological Theory courses in sociology departments at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Praise for the First Edition
“Sociological Theory in the Classical Era is an ambitious and successful attempt to revitalize the teaching of sociological theory….” —Jeffrey Alexander, Yale University
“.… This book will likely be template that future texts in theory will try to emulate.” —Edward Lehman, New York University
"I chose this text because it is largely dedicated to original texts and it offers relevant yet short introductions…. I also particularly like that the intros to individual texts offer context but do not directly summarize or analyze the excerpts.” —Jacques Henry, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Contributor to the SAGE Teaching Innovations and Professional Development Award
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