The Process of Research in Psychology
A student friendly, thoughtfully organized introduction to research in psychology Employing numerous examples and the pedagogical approach of spaced repetition, this introductory text provides a step-by-step explanation of how to design, conduct, and present a research study in psychology. Chronologically organized, this book mirrors the steps in the research process and creates logical scaffolding upon which students can build their knowledge. Lab Manual The Lab Manual for Psychological Research by Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting (available separately or bundled with the text) provides the perfect supplement for instructors who teach a lab component with their methods course or would simply like to provide their students with more guidance and practice in conducting their own research project. Ancillaries available at Password-protected instructor resources include a test bank, PowerPoint slides, sample syllabi, answers/tips for the in-text questions, an answer key for the Lab Manual and class discussion topics and activities. An open-access student study site provides chapter summaries and objectives, E-flashcards, Web quizzes, SAGE journal articles, and additional Web resources