Every Officer Is a Leader: Coaching Leadership, Learning and Performance in Justice, Public Safety, and Security Organizations
Every Officer is a Leader: Coaching Leadership, Learning and Performance in Justice, Public Safety and Security Organizations, authored by experts in leadership, law enforcement and security, responds to the need for a reappraisal of leadership styles in the public safety sector since September 11, 2001. Building on two previous successful publications, the authors examine the profound impact of leadership on the organizational behavior at the individual, team and organizational level in justice, security and public safety agencies in this new era. Using a multi-source and multi-disciplinary approach presented through a combination of theory and practical examples, leaders in police, corrections, customs, courts, security and other regulatory agencies are shown how to effectively implement processes to create what the authors are calling a "leadership and learning organization."
The Transforming Leadership process used in Every Officer is a Leader is founded in the concepts of competency-based leadership and action learning. The authors focus on the need to prepare leaders who, after building the "leadership organization," move into building the "learning organization" that is responsive to both the external and internal stakeholders served by those in the organization. The authors provide research-based competency assessments and a free online tool kit for building continuous improvement teams. These easy to apply and proven systems will equip leaders to build both their own and others' leadership capacity while they simultaneously improve organizational performance.
The 21st Century leader must establish the links necessary for proper coordination of effort among all public safety agencies. In addition, leaders must nurture the personal relationships with other agencies, both public and private, necessary to allow seamless cooperation before crises occur, and during times of crisis. This new edition of Every Officer is a Leader is called for by the events of history.