Around the World in Eighty Days
"Around the World in Eighty Days" is an epic adventure novel written by the seminal French writer Jules Verne. It tells the story of Phileas and his recently employed valet Passepartout - who set off on a mission to travel around the world in eighty days as a result of a 20,000 wager set by one of Phileas's friends. One of Verne's most celebrated novels, this book would make for a worthy addition to any collection, and is not to be missed by fans of Verne s wonderful work. The chapters of this book include: In Which Phileas Fogg and Passepartout Accept Each Other, The One as Master, The Other as Man, In Which Passepartout is Convinced that he has at Last Found his Ideal, In Which a Conversation Takes Place Which Seems Likely to Cost Phileas Fogg Dear, etcetera. This book was first published in 1873, and is being republished now in an affordable, modern edition - complete with a specially commissioned new biography of Jules Verne."