A Scale of Performance Tests
A SCALE OF PERFORMANCE TESTS A SCALE OP PERFORMANCE TESTS BY RUDOLF PINTNER ASSISTANT PBOPESSOB OF PSYCHOLOGY, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY AND DONALD G. PATERSON mSTBUCTOB IN PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVEBSITY OF KANSAS D. APPLETON AND COMPANY NEW YORK LONDON 1917 PREFACE This book is an attempt on our part to contribute to the few scales already in general use another kind of scale for the purpose of testing intelligence. The work grew directly out of the psychological examination of deaf children, for which purpose the 1 ordinary scales for the measurement of intelligence were found to be practically useless. It was therefore decided to . assemble a group of tests which did not involve any kind of language, response. This work was begun in 1Q14 with the standardization of a few performance tests and since then has grown to the present dimensions. The work of testing has very largely been done by ourselves. We have, however, decided to incorporate in the scale at least one test that has been standardized by another worker, namely the Seguin Form Board Test as standardized by Sylvester. Miss Margaret M. Anderson, Graduate Assistant in the De partment of Psychology, is responsible for the standardiza tion of the Picture Completion Test. Miss Jeannette Reamer, Miss Alice E. Beekman, and Miss Lucille Boylan, Graduate Students, have helped greatly in the accumulation of data for some of the tests. We take this opportunity to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation on the part of the teachers and principals in the schools of Columbus, in which the tests were conducted. In particular, we wish to thank Mrs. Scatterday, Principal of Northwood School Miss Gordon, Principal of Ninth Avenue School Miss Thompson, Principal of Second Avenue School Miss Neerermer, Principal of Heyl Avenue School, and Mr. Bryant, Principal of Indianola School. RUDOLF PINTNER. DONALD G. PATERSQN. Columbus, Ohio. 1917. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION II. THE TESTS . 25 TEST 1. THE MARE AND FOAL PICTURE BOARD 26 TEST 2. THE SEGUIN FORM BOARD . . SO TEST 3. THE FIVE FIGURE BOARD . . 34 TEST 4. THE Two FIGURE BOARD ... 35 TEST 5. THE CASUIST FORM BOARD, . 37 TEST 6. THE TRIANGLE TEST ... 40 TEST 7. THE DIAGONAL TEST ... 42 TEST 8. THE HEALY PUZZLE A . . 44 TEST 9. THE MANIKIN TEST ... 53 TEST 10. THE FEATURE PROFILE TEST . 55 TEST 11. THE SHIP TEST .... 58 TEST 12. THE PICTURE COMPLETION TEST . 61 TEST 13. THE SUBSTITUTION TEST, . 63 TEST 14. THE ADAPTATION BOARD . . 65 TEST 15. THE CUBE TEST .... 67 III. STANDARDIZATION OF THE TESTS . 70 IV. THE PRESENTATION OF THE DATA . 97 THE MARE AND FOAL TEST .... 99 THE SEGUIN FORM BOARD . . . .102 THE FIVE FIGURE BOARD .... 105 THE Two FIGURE BOARD . . . .108 THE CASUIST FORM BOARD 112 THE TRIANGLE TEST 115 THE DIAGONAL TEST 119 HEALY PUZZLE A 122 vii CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE THE MANIKIN TEST 127 THE SHIP TEST 131 THE PICTURE COMPLETION TEST . . .182 THE SUBSTITUTION TEST .... 133 THE ADAPTATION BOARD ... . . .135 THE CUBE TEST 136 V. THE YEAR SCALE . . . . .139 VI. THE MEDIAN MENTAL AGE . .151 VII. THE POINT SCALE 159 DISCRIMINATIVE CAPACITY op TEST . . .162 ALLOTMENT or AN EQUAL NUMBER OP POINTS TO EACH TEST 168 POINTS ALLOTTED ACCORDING TO DEGREE OP DIF FICULTY OF TESTS 169 TENTATIVE POINT SCALE 173 VIII. THE PERCENTILE METHOD . .184 THE TABLES 187 IX. ILLUSTRATIVE CASES .... 202 X. CONCLUSION 210 INDEX 215 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 1. The Mare and Foal Test 27 2. TheFive Figure Form Board .... 35 3. The Two Figure Form Board .... 36 4. The Casuist Form Board .... 38 5. The Triangle Test 41 The Diagonal Test 6. The Manikin Test 45 Healy Puzzle A 7-The Feature Profile Test 57 8. The Ship Test 60 9. The Picture Completion Test .... 62 10. The Substitution Test 64 11. Record Blank, Psychological Clinic, Ohio State University 146 12. Record Blank, Psychological Clinic, Ohio State University . . . . . . . .149 13. Record Blank, Psychological Clinic, Ohio State University 203 14...