In-House Lawyers Handbook
Butterworths In-House Lawyer's Handbook is the first and only text to bring together all the practical guidance, precedents, expert commentary and key source material for the in-house law department. In-house lawyers in all types of institutions will benefit from the insights Ian Jones' commentary provides. The book covers all the key planks of the internal legal advisors' role, from managing a legal team to handling the procurement process. In today's world, In-house counsel in businesses and the public sector are expected to have a thorough understanding of the aims and activities of their institution, and relate that understanding in the advice they give their employer. Aside from this requirement, the in-house lawyer needs a high level understanding of a range of legal issues in multiple jurisdictions and know how to access that information quickly. This book assists that by providing key precedents and accessible information on a range of the most common issues in core jurisdictions.