London Congress on Human Problems
Before the first lecture has finished, you will discover precisely where Man went astray in all previous quests for truth, and gain the overriding viewpoint of an effective Scientologist: looking not inward but outward to the world ... and handling others. For this is the Congress that signaled the advance of technology to a breadth of uses across all dynamics and all human problems-from personal to global. Beginning with that "almost mystic" quality of a thetan, the ability to grant life, L. Ron Hubbard lays out application after application of Scientology principles to virtually every type of human activity-from educating youth, to training of workers and even causative means to handle the mounting threat of nuclear weapons. While to provide the means for every Scientologist to make a difference, he unveiled the Personnel Efficiency Course. Describing it as "Man's brightest hope," he demonstrates how even a tiny amount of Scientology can transform entire zones of living-rapidly and easily. Here, then, is the definitive Congress on bringing Scientology answers everywhere, including the release of [i]The Problems of Work: Scientology Applied to the Workaday World[/i]-and the use of that book by Scientologists to help the everyday worker, to problems of a whole society and the means to revive an entire nation to its previous glory.