The United States v. I. Lewis Libby
Washington scandals come and go, but the one surrounding the investigation into the leaking of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity—now in its fourth year—has had unprecedented staying power. In October 2005, when I. Lewis Libby was indicted on five felony counts of making false statements to the FBI, perjury, and obstruction of justice, his trial became the latest chapter in the saga.
Murray Waas, one of today’s finest investigative journalists, has edited and assembled this instant book that covers the trial from start to finish. He combines the trial transcript, pivotal testimony from key witnesses, and his own original, incisive reporting and an over-arching introductory essay. The subject is certainly one with which Waas is intimately familiar: he’s done groundbreaking work for the National Journal covering the Plame investigation, as well as the Bush Administration’s use (and misuse) of pre-war intelligence. No one is better qualified, or has done more, to inform the public of these shrouded events than Waas.
Like the published reports from the 9/11 Commission and the Iraq Study Group, this definitive study is sure to become one of the most significant political documents of this Bush era.