Evolution of Biological Systems in Random Media: Limit Theorems and Stability (Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications, 18)
This is a new book in biomathematics, which includes new models of stochastic non-linear biological systems and new results for these systems. These results are based on the new results for non-linear difference and differential equations in random media. This book contains:
-New stochastic non-linear models of biological systems, such as biological systems in random media: epidemic, genetic selection, demography, branching, logistic growth and predator-prey models;
-New results for scalar and vector difference equations in random media with applications to the stochastic biological systems in 1);
-New results for stochastic non-linear biological systems, such as averaging, merging, diffusion approximation, normal deviations and stability;
-New approach to the study of stochastic biological systems in random media such as random evolution approach.