Freedom Frog: How Freddie Got a New Name.
Freedom Frog is an uplifting, cheerful story written to help shed some light in the darkness of a child's world that is filled with obstacles, difficult trials, and of course bullies.
Sharing this story with your child will not only help your child grow in the understanding of bullying but will also help them to gain some valuable insight on how to handle difficult situations in life through the power of prayer and standing on the Word of God.
It is my hope that reading this book will encourage children everywhere to stand on God's promises and stand strong in the face of bullies.
This story takes place in a remote setting, in a small community of creatures where Freddie Fro Fearful Frog lives. Along with all his friends, Freddie is oppressed by a slippery, slithering, sinister snake named Sergio Sir Slippery Snake.
I hope you enjoy reading how Freddie gets his new name.